The Men Who Would Be Wielders of Great Influence Under A Future Constitutional Monarchy: A TMWBBK AAR
All right, I admit that this is not the punchiest of titles; I'll need to work something out for when I do come up with a more formal Bakumatsu adaptation of TMWWBK. But anyway, following on from the last Boshin War game, this evening it was different armies, different rules, and a different opponent. I had thought I might have played Kings with James once a few months ago, but clearly I remembered wrong, so this would be his first go. It's certainly been an interesting experience: James has been trying to get me into Clash of Katanas for a while, a set of rules I have to admit I am not fully convinced by, and it seems at the moment that the reverse is also true! In advance of him turning up, I took a bit of a novel approach to terrain generation, which I have humbly dubbed 'lobbing dice at the table and seeing what happens'. Wherever a die landed would mark the rough centre of a terrain piece, with 1 being a miscellaneous feature like a pond, 2 or 3 being a wood, 4 or...